Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test paper (bar type)
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Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test paper (bar type)

Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the placental chorionic cells after a woman's fertilized egg is implanted. It can enter the blood and urine through the blood circulation. HCG can be detected in serum or urine within 1 week of normal pregnancy. The concentration of HCG rises rapidly, until the first menopause, the concentration usually exceeds 100mIU/ml, and by 10-12 gestational weeks, the HCG concentration reaches 15000-200000mIU/ml Pinnacle. In general, the urine HCG of non-pregnant women is often less than 25mIU/ml. Therefore, the detection of HCG is an important indicator for clinical diagnosis of pregnancy.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) rapid detection kit uses colloidal gold technology and immunochromatography technology to detect HCG in human urine, which is used for clinical auxiliary diagnosis of pregnancy.
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  • MDTHYQ1_0541

  • MDT

  • MDTHYQ1_0541

Detection principle: 
The product uses the double antibody sandwich method and the principle of colloidal gold immunochromatography to qualitatively detect HCG in urine. 
Packaging composition: 
HCG test paper (100 servings): single serving in aluminum foil bag.
Instructions for use (1 copy/box). 
Sample collection and processing:
 Sample collection container: clean and pollution-free plastic container, or disposable container, used to collect urine samples.
Timer: used to time the detection. 
Urine samples must be collected in clean, dry plastic or glass containers. Urine can be collected at any time of the day. However, the first morning urine of the day usually contains the highest concentration of HCG. The storage time of urine samples frozen at 2°C-8°C does not exceed 72 hours. The temperature of the frozen urine sample should be equilibrated to room temperature before testing.
Detection steps: 
1. The test carton should be used within 1 hour after tearing; if it is in an environment with more than 30°C or high humidity, it should be used as soon as possible.
2. Tear the cut of the aluminum foil bag, take out the test pen, take out the pen cap, let the urine drip on the urine suction hole for 5 seconds when urinating, cover the pen cap, and lay the test pen flat.
3. Wait for the red band to appear. The result is interpreted in 3-5 minutes, and the judgment is invalid after 10 minutes.

Positive: A red line appears at the position of the detection line and the quality control line.
Negative: Only a red line appears at the position of the quality control line.
Invalid: No red line appears at the position of the quality control line, indicating that the result is invalid and should be tried again.
Matters needing attention:
1. There is no color band on the quality control line and the test line, indicating that a test error should be retryed; when the HCG concentration is high, the test line is obvious, and the control line may become weak, which is a normal result;
2. If the subject is still suspected of being pregnant, and the urine test is negative, the morning urine can be collected again after 48 to 72 hours;
3. Patients with uterine tumors, hydatidiform moles or menopause may have a positive result due to the high content of HCG in the urine
4. The final result should be determined by the clinician's comprehensive analysis of all clinical indexes and laboratory test results.
5. Some immune interference substances, such as those used in antibody therapy, will invalidate the test results.
6. Storage: Store at 4~30℃ and avoid light. Do not freeze. Use within the validity period.
7. Validity period: 24 months 


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